Monday, August 6, 2007

What I did this weekend...

First of all, I would like to appologize that I have no pictures to include in this blog.

This is the last long weekend until the Labour Day long weekend, and of course the yearly Labour Day weekend camping trip. It makes me quite sad that it will be the only time I will go camping this summer. *sigh* I didn't really feel up to asking a random bunch of friends to go camping with me, with no prior planning, on any weekend before the Labour Day long weekend. But I'm beginning to think now, that next year I may propose to all that attend the September camping weekend, that we also plan a separate camping trip some other time in the summer. It just seems such a shame that we have such a good time at our annual camping trip, but we have to wait until practically the end of summer to do so. We really should do it at least twice. I'll see what everyone says and hope for the best.

Friday night Alison and I took Lisa out for her 31st birthday. We ate dinner at Jack Astors, and it was quite good. But the restaurant was really, really loud. It was even loud in the ladies room. I suppose the loud restroom music is a good cover-up for - ahem- noisy, biological movements. It was also so loud in there, that we couldn't hear what our waitress what saying, nor could she hear us fully. Case in point: Waitress asks me "and what 2 sides would you like with your chicken teriyaki?" Me "I'd like the vegtetables and the baked potato" Waitress says "oh, so you'd like the mashed potatoes and a baked potato?"
Hmmm.... who on earth would order TWO types of potato for side dishes? See what I mean? Just too darn loud in there. But all in all, a good meal and a good night...

Saturday was a errand-running day, but it kinda happened in slow motion. Then I wrapped the day up with dinner at the top of the CN Tower, at the 360 Restaurant. Very yummy food, WAAAAAY too expensive, but a neat opportunity to be 'at the top of the world' and slowly rotating around while eating. Most people were concerned that they would feel nauseous, and would adversely react to the rotating... but really, you can't feel it that much. Then when you move from the slowly rotating perimeter of the restaurant to the stationary centre (where the washroom was), I also didn't feel a change. Well, I can say, 'been there, done that' but I can't truly see myself going there again. Chalk it up as 'a cool thing I've done'.

Then Sunday was by far the best day this weekend. Leslie and I went to Carolyn's house for a fun day in the pool! Ahhhh... it was refreshing, fun and relaxing all at once. I can't even explain what a good time I had... the weather was perfect and the company was fabulous. Carolyn's family even invited us to stay for dinner, which was delicious.

So, basically today was a complete nothing day. It is now 7:44 pm and I haven't even left the apartment. As boring as that seems, it really is a good tactic for not spending money... and I can't really afford to do that after such a 'fun-filled' weekend. Grrr... budgeting sucks.

Then it's back to work tomorrow.... but I will at least be well-rested and happy.

I am very thankful for the great friends I have around me and the wonderful summer I am having.

Ho hum... I just wish the summer didn't go by so fast....

Until next time!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wow... I'm really late with this

Well for all ONE of you who commented on my last blog, here are the answers (btw: you did very well!)

1) Charlie and Suzie Q
2) Mississauga
3) York University
4) Tim Burton
5) Mexico
6) European Starling
7) Dixie!
8) 18th
9) Johnny Depp
10) Quadricep
11) GI Diet
12) Digital Camera
13) Australia