Monday, December 17, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest Things....

This Saturday my brother, nephews and niece came over for dinner and a sleepover.

It was a lot of fun, starting from the moment they all arrived. I had planned to make chicken and beef tacos and had already started cooking the chicken. As soon as my nephew walked through the door he exclaimed how wonderful it smelled in my apartment.

Later on, I offered the kids chocolate chip cookies and mentioned that we could make smoothies later. One nephew cried: "Laura! If you had kids they would be so lucky!" Gee, thanks.

My niece was sweet enough to help me with the dishes after dinner. We had a nice chat and caught up on a few things.

During (or after) one of the rented DVDs, one of my nephews commented how I lived in a really big hotel room. LOL. *sigh* Yes, they don't visit apartments much. Or, rather, at all. :)

During the evening, one nephew asked: "Laura, did you invite us over or did we invite ourselves over?" To which I replied: "It was mutual." "What's that mean?" he asked. "It means both me and your dad agreed on it. Why do you ask?"
"Well," he said, "if we invited ourselves over, then that would be rude."


Lastly, I was attacked with hugs by my nephews before they department my apartment on Sunday morning. It was touching to hear all the "Thank you!" comments and "We had fun!"

I'm really happy they came and I had a great time! Hopefully they can all do it again sometime!

Monday, December 10, 2007

10 Reasons Why the Brunnie is No Fun in Formal Wear

1) Because my feet hurt like a sonofabit** in those pointy, lethal shoes.

2) Because I look like a lunatic among all these young, college-aged drinkers in my low-cut formal black dress.

3) Because carrying a little purse AND camera on my shoulders is no fun when you're trying to dance.

4) Please see number 1.

5) Please see number 4.

6) Because people look at you like you're some sort of tourist who just arrived on earth and who doesn't know how clubbing in Toronto works.

7) Because you can't really bust a move like you normally do because you're afraid your stockings will run, you'll twist your ankle (in those god-forsaken heels), your purse will fling out and hit someone or your boob will fall out.

8) Did I just write boob?

9) (laughs like Peter Griffin)

10) Because you can't really sit down anywhere because every surface is covered in something like spooge or gunge or ick... and who wants to get that crap on their dress.